If you are a customer of mine, no doubt you've dealt with having to wait a while for your order. This page won't totally solve that problem but on this page will be pickups IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE -- already built and ready to ship out right away.
Some may have blemishes and will be extra cheap, some may be like new and are in perfect condition but weren't quite what the customer wanted and were returned. Others may be just goofs on my part where I made the pickup with the wrong bobbin color or spacing or something, and -- genius that I am -- I didn't figure it out until after I built the pickup. (D'OH!!!) And about 90% of the time, they will be at a fairly substantial discount.
DISCLAIMER: All sales here in the Specials section are final with no refunds, unless there is a functional problem or defect with the pickup. In other words, if it's broken/won't work, I'll take it back -- I'm not going to stick you with a dud. But if it works fine but it's not quite what you wanted, hey, you're stuck with it. If you want some tweaking done to it, the free tweaking guarantee on new pickups also does not apply here. You'll have to pay a fee to have it done, price TBD depending on the nature and extent of tweakage.
Some may have blemishes and will be extra cheap, some may be like new and are in perfect condition but weren't quite what the customer wanted and were returned. Others may be just goofs on my part where I made the pickup with the wrong bobbin color or spacing or something, and -- genius that I am -- I didn't figure it out until after I built the pickup. (D'OH!!!) And about 90% of the time, they will be at a fairly substantial discount.
DISCLAIMER: All sales here in the Specials section are final with no refunds, unless there is a functional problem or defect with the pickup. In other words, if it's broken/won't work, I'll take it back -- I'm not going to stick you with a dud. But if it works fine but it's not quite what you wanted, hey, you're stuck with it. If you want some tweaking done to it, the free tweaking guarantee on new pickups also does not apply here. You'll have to pay a fee to have it done, price TBD depending on the nature and extent of tweakage.

Special #126 -- Hardcore Tele neck -- Pure Handwound w/Gray Bottom -- $170 (add $25 for international)
Not a big fan of the cover because it takes away some of the detail and clarity, but some of you love it, so here one is -- and in Pure Handwound format that still manages to shine through anyway. Will work with just about any Tele bridge pickup.
Not a big fan of the cover because it takes away some of the detail and clarity, but some of you love it, so here one is -- and in Pure Handwound format that still manages to shine through anyway. Will work with just about any Tele bridge pickup.
- 6.4k/A5
- Pure Handwound
- North polarity
- Nickel cover

Special #124 -- Tire Iron 43 -- Regular Wind -- $110 (add $25 for international)
This is an even hotter version of the Paul Bunyan bridge, with a tone that will crack you across the bridge of the nose like a...well, tire iron. It’s one of my two approaches to a meaty P90 tone in a Strat pu. In this case it's wound with 43 gauge to make sure the coil isn't too bulky.
This is an even hotter version of the Paul Bunyan bridge, with a tone that will crack you across the bridge of the nose like a...well, tire iron. It’s one of my two approaches to a meaty P90 tone in a Strat pu. In this case it's wound with 43 gauge to make sure the coil isn't too bulky.
- 13.5k/A5
- Flatpole
- South polarity
- Black, white or cream cover.

Special #123 -- Chimecaster for Strat -- Pure Handwound -- $155 (add $25 for international)
I originally intended this model for bridge only, but it turns out it's great in the neck too. The UA5 rods make it very airy and chimey, almost like a louder A3. The Pure Handwound doesn't hurt in that area either. Have not tried it in the middle but I bet it would be good there too. Maybe it's the utility infielder of my Strat pickup line. If only it could lay down a good bunt...
I originally intended this model for bridge only, but it turns out it's great in the neck too. The UA5 rods make it very airy and chimey, almost like a louder A3. The Pure Handwound doesn't hurt in that area either. Have not tried it in the middle but I bet it would be good there too. Maybe it's the utility infielder of my Strat pickup line. If only it could lay down a good bunt...
- 8.1k/UA5
- Pure Handwound
- 42 PE
- Flatpole
- South polarity
- Black, white or cream cover

Special #121 -- Telebucker 3 -- Regular Wind -- $135 (add $25 for international)
A neck humbucker designed for Tele’s, wound especially light with air and chime to balance with vintage output Tele bridge pickups while still keeping the fullness you wanted a humbucker for to begin with.
A neck humbucker designed for Tele’s, wound especially light with air and chime to balance with vintage output Tele bridge pickups while still keeping the fullness you wanted a humbucker for to begin with.
- 6.0k/A3
- Zebra
- 42 PE
- Regular Wind
- 2-conductor+bare lead
- North polarity

Special #120 -- Cherrick Bridge Soapbar P90 -- Regular Wind -- $130 (add $25 for international)
The Cherrick bridge has a few turns more than a typical vintage P90 to get some of that midrange grunt we all crave. A fuller wind, A5-A2 magnet mix and a few other tricks keep away the dreaded icepick. It’s very dynamic, so it has plenty of hollow vintage jangle when you’re picking lightly but lots of bluesy grunt and growl when you dig in.
The Cherrick bridge has a few turns more than a typical vintage P90 to get some of that midrange grunt we all crave. A fuller wind, A5-A2 magnet mix and a few other tricks keep away the dreaded icepick. It’s very dynamic, so it has plenty of hollow vintage jangle when you’re picking lightly but lots of bluesy grunt and growl when you dig in.
- 8.8k/A5-A2 mix
- 42 PE
- Regular Wind
- Braid lead
- South polarity
- Black or cream cover

SPECIAL #119 -- Custom Bridge Deluxe Minihumbucker -- Gold -- Regular Wind -- $120 (add $25 international)
This one's made with a 3/8" thick A5 magnet that gives it a big somewhat hollow sound, a bit like a Firebird pickup but much beefier.
This one's made with a 3/8" thick A5 magnet that gives it a big somewhat hollow sound, a bit like a Firebird pickup but much beefier.
- 11.3k/3/8" thick A5
- 43 PE
- Regular Wind
- 2-conductor+bare lead

SPECIAL #118 -- Hot Vintage Bridge Deluxe Minihumbucker -- Nickel Cover -- Pure Handwound -- $180 (add $25 international)
Like a vintage Deluxe bridge mini but with a bit more mid and bottom. And this one's Pure Handwound!
Like a vintage Deluxe bridge mini but with a bit more mid and bottom. And this one's Pure Handwound!
- 9.7k/A2
- 43 PE
- Pure Handwound
- 2-conductor+bare lead

SPECIAL #117 -- Waylon Firebird Minihumbucker Neck -- Nickel Cover -- Pure Handwound -- $180 (add $25 international)
Classic vintage snarky neck Firebird with all that hollowness and bite. Yes, even in a neck pickup, that's just how Firebirds are. Same as #116 below but this one is nickle and -- wait for it.....PURE HANDWOUND! YAAAAAAY!!!!
Classic vintage snarky neck Firebird with all that hollowness and bite. Yes, even in a neck pickup, that's just how Firebirds are. Same as #116 below but this one is nickle and -- wait for it.....PURE HANDWOUND! YAAAAAAY!!!!
- 6.2k/A5
- 42 PE
- Pure Handwound
- 2-conductor+bare lead

SPECIAL #116 -- Waylon Firebird Minihumbucker Neck -- Gold cover -- Regular Wind -- $125 (add $25 international)
Classic vintage snarky neck Firebird with all that hollowness and bite. Yes, even in a neck pickup, that's just how Firebirds are.
Classic vintage snarky neck Firebird with all that hollowness and bite. Yes, even in a neck pickup, that's just how Firebirds are.
- 6.2k/A5
- 42 PE
- Regular Wind
- 2-conductor+bare lead

SPECIAL #113 -- Pagey 2-43 Bridge w/RS Guitarworks Aged Cover -- Regular Wind – $140 (add $25 international)
The legendary Pagey 2 bridge but wound with 43 gauge to allow for a smaller bobbin and an easier fit for the RS Guitarworks aged cover so the baseplate doesn't hang below the hem. Plenty of early-Zep grunt and honk without losing the vintage hollowness and double-tones.
The legendary Pagey 2 bridge but wound with 43 gauge to allow for a smaller bobbin and an easier fit for the RS Guitarworks aged cover so the baseplate doesn't hang below the hem. Plenty of early-Zep grunt and honk without losing the vintage hollowness and double-tones.
- 11.2k/A2
- 43 PE
- Regular wind
- Braid lead

SPECIAL #103 -- Sweet V Dogear P90 Bridge
Regular Wind – $135 (add $25 international)
The Sweet V (for vintage) wound to 7.8k with 42 PE and two A2 bar magnets. Dogear for an LP Special that's plenty loud and rude naturally and would be complimented by a sweeter mellower wind/magnet combo. But it would also be great in a semihollow or archtop.
Regular Wind – $135 (add $25 international)
The Sweet V (for vintage) wound to 7.8k with 42 PE and two A2 bar magnets. Dogear for an LP Special that's plenty loud and rude naturally and would be complimented by a sweeter mellower wind/magnet combo. But it would also be great in a semihollow or archtop.
- 7.8k/A2
- 42 PE
- Regular wind
- Braid lead
- South polarity

SPECIAL #102 -- Lollipop Strele Strat Neck -- 1/4" A5 Rods -- $125 (add $25 international)
The latest in the Lollipop series of pickups that are a way to get a fatter/rounder tone without giving up any top end detail and air. It's 6.8k with big 1/4" A5 rods but unlike 99% of all Streles (it may even be 100%, I can't remember), the rods are raised a smidge above the surface. (For those not hip to the Strele scene, flush with the surface allows the coil to get a little closer to the strings as on a Tele bridge pickup, so like a Tele bridge, flush would give it a little more oomph. Raising the rods brings back the classic Strat air.)
It is intended for neck but at 6.8k, depending on what you already have in the neck and middle, it could work as a good bridge pickup too.
No, disaffected college students, it does not have a cover. If you want one, you'll have to take a standard 52mm spaced cover and ream it out to 1/4" holes on your own. Otherwise, learn to dig down on that Strele black twine vibe...
* 6.8k/A5
* 42 PE
* Flatpole / raised
* Regular Wind
* South polarity
* Strele styling -- black twine
* 12" leads
The latest in the Lollipop series of pickups that are a way to get a fatter/rounder tone without giving up any top end detail and air. It's 6.8k with big 1/4" A5 rods but unlike 99% of all Streles (it may even be 100%, I can't remember), the rods are raised a smidge above the surface. (For those not hip to the Strele scene, flush with the surface allows the coil to get a little closer to the strings as on a Tele bridge pickup, so like a Tele bridge, flush would give it a little more oomph. Raising the rods brings back the classic Strat air.)
It is intended for neck but at 6.8k, depending on what you already have in the neck and middle, it could work as a good bridge pickup too.
No, disaffected college students, it does not have a cover. If you want one, you'll have to take a standard 52mm spaced cover and ream it out to 1/4" holes on your own. Otherwise, learn to dig down on that Strele black twine vibe...
* 6.8k/A5
* 42 PE
* Flatpole / raised
* Regular Wind
* South polarity
* Strele styling -- black twine
* 12" leads

SPECIAL #101 -- Custom Tapped Tele Bridge -- $135 (add $25 international)
This one has a bit more vintage flavor than the specs would suggest. It’s more like my Tar Paper, with maybe a bit more warmth and with some really good country snap and twang. Obviously at 6.5k, the tap spec is very vintage.
* 9.3k/6.5k/A5
* 42 PE
* Regular Wind
* South polarity
* White twine
* 9" leads
* Color Code: White-hot -- black-ground -- yellow-tap
This one has a bit more vintage flavor than the specs would suggest. It’s more like my Tar Paper, with maybe a bit more warmth and with some really good country snap and twang. Obviously at 6.5k, the tap spec is very vintage.
* 9.3k/6.5k/A5
* 42 PE
* Regular Wind
* South polarity
* White twine
* 9" leads
* Color Code: White-hot -- black-ground -- yellow-tap

SPECIAL #100 -- Custom 5/2 Strat Bridge -- $110 (add $25 international)
Like a Hot Vintage bridge with a little extra – and with the bonus of A5 on the wound strings so they are not dull, A2 on the plain strings so they’re not harsh. Duncan came up with the 5/2 idea, which was a stroke of genius. For the first time, it will sound like all 6 strings are from the same guitar!
* 8.0k/A5-A2
* 42 PE
* Regular Wind
* Soft Vintage Stagger
* South polarity
* 12" leads
Like a Hot Vintage bridge with a little extra – and with the bonus of A5 on the wound strings so they are not dull, A2 on the plain strings so they’re not harsh. Duncan came up with the 5/2 idea, which was a stroke of genius. For the first time, it will sound like all 6 strings are from the same guitar!
* 8.0k/A5-A2
* 42 PE
* Regular Wind
* Soft Vintage Stagger
* South polarity
* 12" leads

SPECIAL #94 -- Paul Bunyan Middle Strele -- Bridge/Middle/Neck -- Regular Wind -- $120 (add $25 international)
Born as a middle position "Strele", this pickup could work as a vintage output bridge or an overwound vintage neck, depending on what the other two pu's in your Strat are. Polarity is North per my standard Strat middle polarity but I can flip it for free if you need it to be South. With the Strele option, the coil is a little closer to the strings so it has a slight bit of Tele bridge oomph. Plus it just looks kind of tuxedo cool, yet menacing.
* 6.8k/A5
* 42 PE
* Regular wind
* Strele styling -- Flatpole
* North polarity
* 10" leads
Born as a middle position "Strele", this pickup could work as a vintage output bridge or an overwound vintage neck, depending on what the other two pu's in your Strat are. Polarity is North per my standard Strat middle polarity but I can flip it for free if you need it to be South. With the Strele option, the coil is a little closer to the strings so it has a slight bit of Tele bridge oomph. Plus it just looks kind of tuxedo cool, yet menacing.
* 6.8k/A5
* 42 PE
* Regular wind
* Strele styling -- Flatpole
* North polarity
* 10" leads

SPECIAL #92 - Cherrick Soapbar P90 for Neck - $130 (add $25 international)
The classic Zhangbucker Cherrick P90 Soapbar for neck, regular wind. Wound to 7.2k with 42 PE and one each narrow (3/8" wide) Alnico 5 and Alnico 2 mags to trim the fat and get rid of those horrible EQ and output balance problems most neck P90's create. Will work with just about any bridge P90. Braid lead, North polarity.
* 7.2k/A5-A2
* 42 PE
* Regular wind
* Braid lead
* North polarity
* Black or cream cover
The classic Zhangbucker Cherrick P90 Soapbar for neck, regular wind. Wound to 7.2k with 42 PE and one each narrow (3/8" wide) Alnico 5 and Alnico 2 mags to trim the fat and get rid of those horrible EQ and output balance problems most neck P90's create. Will work with just about any bridge P90. Braid lead, North polarity.
* 7.2k/A5-A2
* 42 PE
* Regular wind
* Braid lead
* North polarity
* Black or cream cover

SPECIAL #91 - NEW MODEL! Lollipop Soapbar for neck 6.0k/A5 -- $130 (add $25 international)
A brand new model from our R&D labs, the Lollipop is a low-wind (6.0k with 42 PE) neck P90 soapbar originally intended for Telecasters to match better with Tele bridge pickups but on testing could be used in the neck in almost any guitar/context.
My neck P90's always have narrower magnets (3/8" vs. standard 1/2") to trim the fat but there is usually a mix of an Alnico 5 on the neck side and an A2 (or A3) on the bridge side but to somewhat counter the loss of warmth from the lower wind, both are Alnico 5. This gives it a paradoxical combination of roundness without darkness, warmth without ANY loss of detail -- a tone big and round and sweet like a lollipop but with tons of vintage piano/flute hollowness, jangle, snap, air, detail and dynamics -- with a just little more push than the standard A5/A2 combo.
Braid lead, north polarity. This pickup also has a 2-conductor+bare lead so you can flip the black and white leads if it's out of phase with your bridge pickup. (But remember, bare lead always goes to ground.)
* 6.0k/A5
* 42 PE
* Regular wind
* North polarity
* 2-conductor+bare lead
* Black or cream cover
A brand new model from our R&D labs, the Lollipop is a low-wind (6.0k with 42 PE) neck P90 soapbar originally intended for Telecasters to match better with Tele bridge pickups but on testing could be used in the neck in almost any guitar/context.
My neck P90's always have narrower magnets (3/8" vs. standard 1/2") to trim the fat but there is usually a mix of an Alnico 5 on the neck side and an A2 (or A3) on the bridge side but to somewhat counter the loss of warmth from the lower wind, both are Alnico 5. This gives it a paradoxical combination of roundness without darkness, warmth without ANY loss of detail -- a tone big and round and sweet like a lollipop but with tons of vintage piano/flute hollowness, jangle, snap, air, detail and dynamics -- with a just little more push than the standard A5/A2 combo.
Braid lead, north polarity. This pickup also has a 2-conductor+bare lead so you can flip the black and white leads if it's out of phase with your bridge pickup. (But remember, bare lead always goes to ground.)
* 6.0k/A5
* 42 PE
* Regular wind
* North polarity
* 2-conductor+bare lead
* Black or cream cover

SPECIAL #90 - NEW MODEL! Snark 90 Soapbar P90 For Bridge - 8.8k/A4 - Formvar -- $130 (add $25 for international)
Brand new from Zhangbucker R&D labs, the Snark 90 is wound to 8.8k with Alnico 4 magnets but -- most importantly -- with double-build formvar magnet wire instead of the usual plain enamel. It was an experiment resulting from just asking, what would a Cherrick bridge sound like if wound with formvar? Well, the formvar gives it a lot of snark and honk and extra rudeness.
But to keep it from crossing over from rude to grating, the A5 bar was replaced with an A4, while the A2 was also replaced with an A4 to keep it from getting at all squishy. Pairs very nicely with a good neck P90 to give you some righteous Pagey chirp in the middle position. Regular wind, braid lead, South polarity.
* 8.8k/A4
* Double-build formvar
* Regular wind
* Braid
* South polarity
* Black or cream cover
Brand new from Zhangbucker R&D labs, the Snark 90 is wound to 8.8k with Alnico 4 magnets but -- most importantly -- with double-build formvar magnet wire instead of the usual plain enamel. It was an experiment resulting from just asking, what would a Cherrick bridge sound like if wound with formvar? Well, the formvar gives it a lot of snark and honk and extra rudeness.
But to keep it from crossing over from rude to grating, the A5 bar was replaced with an A4, while the A2 was also replaced with an A4 to keep it from getting at all squishy. Pairs very nicely with a good neck P90 to give you some righteous Pagey chirp in the middle position. Regular wind, braid lead, South polarity.
* 8.8k/A4
* Double-build formvar
* Regular wind
* Braid
* South polarity
* Black or cream cover

SPECIAL #89 - NEW MODEL! Sweet Heat Soapbar P90 For Bridge (9.5k/A3) - $130 (add $25 international)
Wound to 9.5k with 42 PE with two Alnico 3 bar mags, it has lots of mid woof but a mellower top end. Great for a naturally loud soapbar axe that needs the icepick tamed a little. Black or cream cover. Braid lead, South polarity.
* 9.5k/A3
* 42 PE
* Braid lead
* Regular wind
* South polarity
* Black or cream cover
Wound to 9.5k with 42 PE with two Alnico 3 bar mags, it has lots of mid woof but a mellower top end. Great for a naturally loud soapbar axe that needs the icepick tamed a little. Black or cream cover. Braid lead, South polarity.
* 9.5k/A3
* 42 PE
* Braid lead
* Regular wind
* South polarity
* Black or cream cover

SPECIAL #88 - Blues 90 A3 Bridge Soapbar -- $130 (add $25 international)
The classic and ever-popular Zhangbucker Blues 90 P90 Soapbar for bridge but with an A3 mag in place of the standard A2, regular wind. Wound to 9.3k with 42 PE with one Alnico 5 bar (faces neck) and one Alnico 3 bar (faces bridge) instead of the standard A2, for a tiny bit more air to the tone. More turns of wire to get you beyond vintage jangle into grunt, groan and sizzle land. My most popular P90 bridge model. Braid lead, South polarity.
* 9.3k/A5-A3
* 42 PE
* Regular wind
* Braid lead
* South polarity
* Black or cream cover
The classic and ever-popular Zhangbucker Blues 90 P90 Soapbar for bridge but with an A3 mag in place of the standard A2, regular wind. Wound to 9.3k with 42 PE with one Alnico 5 bar (faces neck) and one Alnico 3 bar (faces bridge) instead of the standard A2, for a tiny bit more air to the tone. More turns of wire to get you beyond vintage jangle into grunt, groan and sizzle land. My most popular P90 bridge model. Braid lead, South polarity.
* 9.3k/A5-A3
* 42 PE
* Regular wind
* Braid lead
* South polarity
* Black or cream cover

SPECIAL #87 - Blues 90 Bridge Soapbar P90 -- $130 (add $25 international)
The classic and ever-popular Zhangbucker Blues 90 P90 Soapbar for bridge, regular wind. Wound to 9.3k with 42 PE with one Alnico 5 bar (faces neck) and one Alnico 2 bar (faces bridge). More turns of wire to get you beyond vintage jangle into grunt, groan and sizzle land. My most popular P90 bridge model. Braid lead, South polarity.
* 9.3k/A5-A2
* 42 PE
* Regular wind
* Braid lead
* South polarity
* Black or cream cover
The classic and ever-popular Zhangbucker Blues 90 P90 Soapbar for bridge, regular wind. Wound to 9.3k with 42 PE with one Alnico 5 bar (faces neck) and one Alnico 2 bar (faces bridge). More turns of wire to get you beyond vintage jangle into grunt, groan and sizzle land. My most popular P90 bridge model. Braid lead, South polarity.
* 9.3k/A5-A2
* 42 PE
* Regular wind
* Braid lead
* South polarity
* Black or cream cover

SPECIAL #86 - Honk Plus Dogear P90 (10.3k/A5) - $135 (add $25 international)
That loud, rude, Mississippi Queen tone in dogear format. Wound pretty hot with 42 PE to 10.3k with A5 mags for raunchy rock-n-roll heaven. yet very clear and airy top end. Braid lead, South polarity.
* 10.3k/A5
* 42 PE
* Regular wind
* Braid lead
* South polarity
That loud, rude, Mississippi Queen tone in dogear format. Wound pretty hot with 42 PE to 10.3k with A5 mags for raunchy rock-n-roll heaven. yet very clear and airy top end. Braid lead, South polarity.
* 10.3k/A5
* 42 PE
* Regular wind
* Braid lead
* South polarity

SPECIAL #85 - Refin Bridge 6.6k/Five-Three - Gray Bottom - Vintage Stagger -- $115 (add $25 international)
Refin Strat bridge with gray bottom, regular wind, vintage stagger, A5 magnets on wound strings and A3 on the plain strings. Sweet top end and by virtue of the 5/3 magnet mix; for the first time all 6 strings will sound like they are from the same guitar. Wound to 6.6k with 42 PE magnet wire, sweet vintage tone. Cover can be black, white or cream.
* 6.6k/A5-A3
* Regular Wind
* 42 PE
* Standard vintage stagger (see photo below)
* Gray bottom
* Black, white or cream cover
Refin Strat bridge with gray bottom, regular wind, vintage stagger, A5 magnets on wound strings and A3 on the plain strings. Sweet top end and by virtue of the 5/3 magnet mix; for the first time all 6 strings will sound like they are from the same guitar. Wound to 6.6k with 42 PE magnet wire, sweet vintage tone. Cover can be black, white or cream.
* 6.6k/A5-A3
* Regular Wind
* 42 PE
* Standard vintage stagger (see photo below)
* Gray bottom
* Black, white or cream cover

SPECIAL #84 - Custom 6.8k/A2 Vintage Bridge - Gray Bottom - Zhang Stagger -- $115 (add $25 international)
Special custom 6.8k/A2 wind for bridge. (Okay, okay, "custom" just means I couldn't think of a name for it yet. Just couldn't let that go, could ya?) Could work for neck but voiced for bridge, regular wind, gray bottom, Zhang stagger (see stagger photo -- G rod slightly lower than D rod to help with balance of plain G string, otherwise vintage stagger), wound with 42 PE magnet wire, sweet vintage tone. Cover can be black, white or cream.
* 6.8k/A2
* Zhang Stagger (see photo below)
* Regular wind
* 42 PE
* Gray bottom
* Black, white or cream cover

SPECIAL #83 - Hardcore Neck 5.8k/A3 - Formvar - $110 (add $25 international)
Hardcore neck, regular wind, Zhang stagger (see stagger photo below: G rod slightly lower than D rod, otherwise vintage stagger), A3 magnets. Wound to 5.8k with 42 double-build formvar magnet wire, formvar giving it a gutsy vintage tone that belies the low 5.8k wind. Cover can be black, white or cream.
* 5.8k/A3
* Regular Wind
* 42 Formvar
* Zhang Stagger (see 3rd photo below)
* Black, white or cream cover
Hardcore neck, regular wind, Zhang stagger (see stagger photo below: G rod slightly lower than D rod, otherwise vintage stagger), A3 magnets. Wound to 5.8k with 42 double-build formvar magnet wire, formvar giving it a gutsy vintage tone that belies the low 5.8k wind. Cover can be black, white or cream.
* 5.8k/A3
* Regular Wind
* 42 Formvar
* Zhang Stagger (see 3rd photo below)
* Black, white or cream cover

SPECIAL #82 - Paul Bunyan Neck 8.0k/A5 -- $110 (add $25 international)
Paul Bunyan Strat neck, regular wind, 8.0k/A5, flatpole, would with 42 PE magnet wire. Beefy enough that it could work as a bridge pickup but voiced for neck, will help you get that big booty SRV neck tone while retaining that clear/airy top end you've come to expect from me. Cover can be black, white or cream.
* 8.0k/A5
* Regular Wind
* 42 PE
* Flatpole
* Black, white or cream cover
Paul Bunyan Strat neck, regular wind, 8.0k/A5, flatpole, would with 42 PE magnet wire. Beefy enough that it could work as a bridge pickup but voiced for neck, will help you get that big booty SRV neck tone while retaining that clear/airy top end you've come to expect from me. Cover can be black, white or cream.
* 8.0k/A5
* Regular Wind
* 42 PE
* Flatpole
* Black, white or cream cover

SPECIAL #81 - Paul Bunyan Bridge 10.2k/A2 -- $110 (add $25 international)
Beefy 10.2k/A2 wind for P90/humbucker-ish punch in a Strat bridge to get you light years away from the dreaded Strat bridge icepick -- yet top end remains clear and airy as you have come to expect from Zhangbucker. Wound with 42 PE magnet wire, flatpole for best string-to-string balance. The mags are A2 so you can raise it closer to the strings for even more output without Strat warble problem. Cover can be black, white or cream. Would obviously pair well with the Paul Bunyan neck listed here in the Strat-O-Rama sale.
* 10.2k/A2
* Regular Wind
* Flatpole
* 42 PE
* Black, white or cream cover
Beefy 10.2k/A2 wind for P90/humbucker-ish punch in a Strat bridge to get you light years away from the dreaded Strat bridge icepick -- yet top end remains clear and airy as you have come to expect from Zhangbucker. Wound with 42 PE magnet wire, flatpole for best string-to-string balance. The mags are A2 so you can raise it closer to the strings for even more output without Strat warble problem. Cover can be black, white or cream. Would obviously pair well with the Paul Bunyan neck listed here in the Strat-O-Rama sale.
* 10.2k/A2
* Regular Wind
* Flatpole
* 42 PE
* Black, white or cream cover

SPECIAL #80 - Hot Vintage Plus Bridge 7.8k/A5-A2 Mix -- $110 (add $25 international)
Hot Vintage Plus bridge at 7.8k a few extra turns than the standard 7.5k vintage to get you even a little further away from the dreaded Strat bridge icepick while retaining that clear and airy top end you've come to expect from Zhangbucker. A5 on wound strings, A2 on plain so for the first time all 6 strings will sound like they're from the same guitar with sweet overwound vintage tone. Flatpole for best string-to-string balance. The mags are A2 so you can raise it closer to the strings for more output without Strat warble problem. Wound with 42 PE. Cover can be black, white or cream.
* 7.8k/A5-A2 mix
* Regular Wind
* 42 PE wire
* Flatpole
* Black, white or cream cover
Hot Vintage Plus bridge at 7.8k a few extra turns than the standard 7.5k vintage to get you even a little further away from the dreaded Strat bridge icepick while retaining that clear and airy top end you've come to expect from Zhangbucker. A5 on wound strings, A2 on plain so for the first time all 6 strings will sound like they're from the same guitar with sweet overwound vintage tone. Flatpole for best string-to-string balance. The mags are A2 so you can raise it closer to the strings for more output without Strat warble problem. Wound with 42 PE. Cover can be black, white or cream.
* 7.8k/A5-A2 mix
* Regular Wind
* 42 PE wire
* Flatpole
* Black, white or cream cover

SPECIAL #79 - Hot Vintage Bridge 7.5k/A5-A2 Mix -- $110 (add $25 international)
Zhangbucker Hot Vintage Strat bridge wound to 7.5k to get you even a little further away from the dreaded Strat bridge icepick. A5 on wound strings and A2 on plain so for the first time all 6 strings will sound like they're from the same guitar with sweet overwound vintage tone. Flatpole for best string-to-string balance. Wound with 42 PE. Cover can be black, white or cream.
* 7.5k/A5-A2
* Regular Wind
* 42 PE
* Flatpole
* Black, white or cream cover
Zhangbucker Hot Vintage Strat bridge wound to 7.5k to get you even a little further away from the dreaded Strat bridge icepick. A5 on wound strings and A2 on plain so for the first time all 6 strings will sound like they're from the same guitar with sweet overwound vintage tone. Flatpole for best string-to-string balance. Wound with 42 PE. Cover can be black, white or cream.
* 7.5k/A5-A2
* Regular Wind
* 42 PE
* Flatpole
* Black, white or cream cover

SPECIAL #78 - Custom Bridge 7.6k/A3 -- $110 (add $25 international)
Special custom 7.6k/A3 wind for hotter vintage tone to get you away from the dreaded Strat bridge icepick. Flatpole for best string-to-string balance. Wound with 42 PE magnet wire. The mags are A3 so you can raise it closer to the strings for more output without Strat warble problem, not that there's a problem with string-pull in the bridge position to begin with. Cover can be black, white or cream.
* 7.6k/A3
* Regular Wind
* 42 PE
* Flatpole
* Black, white or cream cover
Special custom 7.6k/A3 wind for hotter vintage tone to get you away from the dreaded Strat bridge icepick. Flatpole for best string-to-string balance. Wound with 42 PE magnet wire. The mags are A3 so you can raise it closer to the strings for more output without Strat warble problem, not that there's a problem with string-pull in the bridge position to begin with. Cover can be black, white or cream.
* 7.6k/A3
* Regular Wind
* 42 PE
* Flatpole
* Black, white or cream cover

SPECIAL #77 - Custom Bridge 8.5K/A3 -- $110 (add $25 international)
Special custom 8.5k/A3 wind for hotter vintage bridge sweet heat. (Yeah, yeah, "custom" means I haven't thought of a name for it yet -- happy now?) Regular wind, wound with 42 PE magnet wire, hotter vintage tone with mellower A3 magnets to get you away from the dreaded Strat bridge icepick while retaining clear and airy top end you've come to expect from Zhangbucker. Flatpole for best string-to-string balance. The mags are A3 so you can raise it closer to the strings for more output without Strat warble problem. Cover can be black, white or cream.
* 8.5k/A3
* Regular Wind
* Flatpole
* 42 PE
* Black, white or cream cover
Special custom 8.5k/A3 wind for hotter vintage bridge sweet heat. (Yeah, yeah, "custom" means I haven't thought of a name for it yet -- happy now?) Regular wind, wound with 42 PE magnet wire, hotter vintage tone with mellower A3 magnets to get you away from the dreaded Strat bridge icepick while retaining clear and airy top end you've come to expect from Zhangbucker. Flatpole for best string-to-string balance. The mags are A3 so you can raise it closer to the strings for more output without Strat warble problem. Cover can be black, white or cream.
* 8.5k/A3
* Regular Wind
* Flatpole
* 42 PE
* Black, white or cream cover

SPECIAL #74 - Tire Iron 43 Strat bridge - $110 (add $25 international)
The Tire Iron is normally wound with 42 gauge, this one was made with 43 AWG to allow for a bobbin a bit less tall, making it better suited for Strats with unusually shallow routs. But the big, tire-iron-across-the-bridge-of-your-nose punch is still there, waiting to victimize you.
The Tire Iron is normally wound with 42 gauge, this one was made with 43 AWG to allow for a bobbin a bit less tall, making it better suited for Strats with unusually shallow routs. But the big, tire-iron-across-the-bridge-of-your-nose punch is still there, waiting to victimize you.
- Off-white cover
- 13.5k/A5
- South polarity
- Flatpole
- 43 PE wire
- 8.5" leads

SPECIAL #71 - Jazz 90 Bridge Soapbar - Cream or Black - $130 (add $25 international)
This is a pickup designed with the jazzbo in mind to be sure, but it is extremely versatile with killer vintage tone -- can do on the raunchy rock-n-roll heaven. A3 magnets guarantee no icepick even in the shrillest solidbodies. In some cases it might even work as a neck pickup though in such a context, I recommend switching to narrower bar magnets to keep it from being tubby. Pictured in cream but can be black cover if you prefer.
This is a pickup designed with the jazzbo in mind to be sure, but it is extremely versatile with killer vintage tone -- can do on the raunchy rock-n-roll heaven. A3 magnets guarantee no icepick even in the shrillest solidbodies. In some cases it might even work as a neck pickup though in such a context, I recommend switching to narrower bar magnets to keep it from being tubby. Pictured in cream but can be black cover if you prefer.
- Cream or Black
- 8.3k/A3
- South polarity
- 42 PE wire
- 10.5" Braid lead

SPECIAL #70 - Hot Vintage Strat Set - $265 shipped (add $35 international)
Vintage tone Strat set with just a little extra beef in the bridge than usual (7.8k vs. 7.5k). In keeping with the Zhangbucker Strat philosophy that a weaker middle makes for better quack and cluck in the #2 and #4 positions. Lots of sweet detail and clarity, even under gain. White covers shown but can be black or off-white if you prefer.
Vintage tone Strat set with just a little extra beef in the bridge than usual (7.8k vs. 7.5k). In keeping with the Zhangbucker Strat philosophy that a weaker middle makes for better quack and cluck in the #2 and #4 positions. Lots of sweet detail and clarity, even under gain. White covers shown but can be black or off-white if you prefer.
- White/black/off-white covers
- 7.8k/A2 bridge - 6.3k/A5 middle - 6.8k/A5 neck
- 42 PE wire
- Flatpole
- Polarity - Bridge and neck South; Middle North

SPECIAL #69 - Bell Tone A3 Bridge - Yellow Twine - $120 shipped (add $25 international)
This model normally comes with Alnico 5 rods but this one has Alnico 3 for a sweeter chime to the top end, but still with the classic Zhangbucker clarity and string separation. Yellow gold twine to look killer with a blonde/blackguard Tele.
This model normally comes with Alnico 5 rods but this one has Alnico 3 for a sweeter chime to the top end, but still with the classic Zhangbucker clarity and string separation. Yellow gold twine to look killer with a blonde/blackguard Tele.
- Yellow twine
- 7.2k/A3
- South polarity
- 42 PE wire
- 7" leads

SPECIAL #68 - Tar Paper A3 Tele* Bridge - $120 shipped (add $25 international)
Tar Paper A3 - 8.5k/A3. This model normally comes with Alnico 5 rods but this one has Alnico 3 to soften up the Tar Paper snark just a little, but still with the classic Zhangbucker clarity and string separation.
Tar Paper A3 - 8.5k/A3. This model normally comes with Alnico 5 rods but this one has Alnico 3 to soften up the Tar Paper snark just a little, but still with the classic Zhangbucker clarity and string separation.
- 8.5k/A3
- South polarity
- 42 PE wire
- 7" leads

SPECIAL #67 - Telebucker 6 Low Rider Prototype - Reverse Zebra - $130 shipped (add $25 international)
You read above correctly -- 4.1k. Have you ever wondered what a super low wind neck humbucker would sound like? Have you ever assumed that any humbucker wound this low would be useless? If you think that and/or think it sounds like a split humbucker, you're as off the mark as a DCS (see footer) and you can't get much more wrong than that.
Yes, it's about the same spec as a typical split PAF clone but two +/-2k coils seeing a bigger section of string is not the same as one 4k coil seeing half that section. But the wider "mouth" of two coils sees the lower freq's better than one so there's still some flute warmth to it -- even more so if you pop an A5 bar in it -- but (obviously) minus the hum of a split.
The best way to describe it is that it's like a neck humbucker wired in parallel but with a bit more output and with the crispiness and presence of a minihumbucker. The T6, as its addition to the Telebucker line implies, will work very nicely with a Tele bridge single coil, especially the more hardcore vintage types, but would be wonderful in an archtop, semi-hollow or even an LP or other beefy solidbody if you're looking for something a little more woody/crispy to go with a vintage output bridge bucker.
You read above correctly -- 4.1k. Have you ever wondered what a super low wind neck humbucker would sound like? Have you ever assumed that any humbucker wound this low would be useless? If you think that and/or think it sounds like a split humbucker, you're as off the mark as a DCS (see footer) and you can't get much more wrong than that.
Yes, it's about the same spec as a typical split PAF clone but two +/-2k coils seeing a bigger section of string is not the same as one 4k coil seeing half that section. But the wider "mouth" of two coils sees the lower freq's better than one so there's still some flute warmth to it -- even more so if you pop an A5 bar in it -- but (obviously) minus the hum of a split.
The best way to describe it is that it's like a neck humbucker wired in parallel but with a bit more output and with the crispiness and presence of a minihumbucker. The T6, as its addition to the Telebucker line implies, will work very nicely with a Tele bridge single coil, especially the more hardcore vintage types, but would be wonderful in an archtop, semi-hollow or even an LP or other beefy solidbody if you're looking for something a little more woody/crispy to go with a vintage output bridge bucker.
- Reverse zebra
- 4.1k
- A3
- 42 PE wire
- Braid lead - 15" (plenty for even an archtop)

SPECIAL #64 - Telebucker 3 - Black - $130 shipped (add $25 international)
Going for the Keef sound but no matter how mellow a humbucker you put in the neck of your Tele, it sounds like mud and creates balance and EQ nightmares between it and your Tele bridge pickup? Problem solved.
The Telebucker 3 is designed to be thin and bright enough to balance with your bridge both in terms of EQ and output but without losing the humbucker warmth you went to a humbucker for to begin with. 6.0k with a heavy mismatch in favor of the screw coil and an A3 bar magnet maximize the single coil clarity without giving up the flutey warmth. Long 14.5" lead -- with 3 conductors: White, black, and bare. Bare always to ground. White and black are hot and ground -- allows you to reverse the leads if it's out of phase with your bridge pickup.
I know the covered look is great but you need to hear this thing uncovered first before you kill the tone with a crummy cover. If you must cover it, go with RS Guitarworks aged, Throbak (VERY expensive), or raw.
Going for the Keef sound but no matter how mellow a humbucker you put in the neck of your Tele, it sounds like mud and creates balance and EQ nightmares between it and your Tele bridge pickup? Problem solved.
The Telebucker 3 is designed to be thin and bright enough to balance with your bridge both in terms of EQ and output but without losing the humbucker warmth you went to a humbucker for to begin with. 6.0k with a heavy mismatch in favor of the screw coil and an A3 bar magnet maximize the single coil clarity without giving up the flutey warmth. Long 14.5" lead -- with 3 conductors: White, black, and bare. Bare always to ground. White and black are hot and ground -- allows you to reverse the leads if it's out of phase with your bridge pickup.
I know the covered look is great but you need to hear this thing uncovered first before you kill the tone with a crummy cover. If you must cover it, go with RS Guitarworks aged, Throbak (VERY expensive), or raw.
- 6.0k/A3
- 42 PE
- 50mm spacing
- 14.5" 2-conductor reversible lead
- Short leg baseplate

Special #63 - 12-Screw
O-Bucker - Zebra - $130 shipped (add $25 international)
From the Zhangbucker site -- uh...wait a minute, this IS the Zhangbucker site. Okay, from the Humbuckers page then:
This was originally a special pickup made for a friend by the name of Olin (hence the name) way back when. It is my own take on the “hybrid” craze among DIY players, where a coil from a high output pickup is paired with a vintage output coil to get vintage clarity with more beef. Not a bad idea…
So accordingly, the slug coil is wound with 43 gauge wire (screw coil with 42) which means the 10.6k spec is misleadingly high. In terms of output, it’s more or less equal to the Brownbucker. Very sweet, detailed top end with a slightly acoustic flavor that’s further enhanced with an Alnico 3 magnet. When I first tested it, I just wanted to play slowly picked shimmering chords on it all day.
This O-Bucker is 12-screw rather than the standard screw/slug arrangement on humbuckers. It is designed to have the black coil facing the bridge so install it the other way at your own risk. 12-screw gives you a second row of adjustability, which is a secret weapon in bridge pickup tone wars, almost like having a mid-boost/cut built into the pickup, while the original row of screws works as a treble boost-cut.
O-Bucker - Zebra - $130 shipped (add $25 international)
From the Zhangbucker site -- uh...wait a minute, this IS the Zhangbucker site. Okay, from the Humbuckers page then:
This was originally a special pickup made for a friend by the name of Olin (hence the name) way back when. It is my own take on the “hybrid” craze among DIY players, where a coil from a high output pickup is paired with a vintage output coil to get vintage clarity with more beef. Not a bad idea…
So accordingly, the slug coil is wound with 43 gauge wire (screw coil with 42) which means the 10.6k spec is misleadingly high. In terms of output, it’s more or less equal to the Brownbucker. Very sweet, detailed top end with a slightly acoustic flavor that’s further enhanced with an Alnico 3 magnet. When I first tested it, I just wanted to play slowly picked shimmering chords on it all day.
This O-Bucker is 12-screw rather than the standard screw/slug arrangement on humbuckers. It is designed to have the black coil facing the bridge so install it the other way at your own risk. 12-screw gives you a second row of adjustability, which is a secret weapon in bridge pickup tone wars, almost like having a mid-boost/cut built into the pickup, while the original row of screws works as a treble boost-cut.
- 10.6k/A3
- 42/43 PE
- 50mm spacing
- 10" braid lead
- Short leg baseplate

Special #62 - Super Telebucker (Telebucker 5) - Zebra - $135 shipped (add $25 international)
This prototype is essentially a Telebucker 3 with Alnico 5 rods in place of the adjustable screws. The standard Alnico 3 bar magnet is still there to power the steel slugs in the other coil.
Designs don't always work out the way you think or hope, but this one did. Sounds pretty much exactly like what you're thinking right now -- a combination of a standard construction humbucker and a Fender-style single coil. Not for the Tele* player looking for the Keef sound (the Telebucker 2 or 3 is for you) but for the guy looking for some of that Fender-flavored snap and twang out of the neck while keeping some humbucker warmth and width. The A5 rods protrude a couple mm above the surface of the bobbin to get some of that single coil air in the tone.
It's designed so that the Alnico rod coil faces the neck so install it in the reverse orientation at your peril. (Okay, okay, it's easily reversed but "peril" is more dramatic.)
This prototype is essentially a Telebucker 3 with Alnico 5 rods in place of the adjustable screws. The standard Alnico 3 bar magnet is still there to power the steel slugs in the other coil.
Designs don't always work out the way you think or hope, but this one did. Sounds pretty much exactly like what you're thinking right now -- a combination of a standard construction humbucker and a Fender-style single coil. Not for the Tele* player looking for the Keef sound (the Telebucker 2 or 3 is for you) but for the guy looking for some of that Fender-flavored snap and twang out of the neck while keeping some humbucker warmth and width. The A5 rods protrude a couple mm above the surface of the bobbin to get some of that single coil air in the tone.
It's designed so that the Alnico rod coil faces the neck so install it in the reverse orientation at your peril. (Okay, okay, it's easily reversed but "peril" is more dramatic.)
- 6.0k
- A5 rods / A3 bar magnet
- 42 PE
- 50mm spacing
- 16" braid lead
- Short leg baseplate

Special #58 - Custom Strele bridge -- $115 shipped (add $25 international)
A Strat bridge pickup with a little more meat to it, both from extra turns of wire (9.5k) and from the flatpole Strele design bringing the coil a little closer to the strings. Could work as a neck pickup for a guy with .008's on the guitar but still wanting to sound like SRV but best for the bridge.
A Strat bridge pickup with a little more meat to it, both from extra turns of wire (9.5k) and from the flatpole Strele design bringing the coil a little closer to the strings. Could work as a neck pickup for a guy with .008's on the guitar but still wanting to sound like SRV but best for the bridge.
- 9.5k/A5
- South Polarity
- 52mm spacing
- Flatpole
- White twine
- 8" leads

Special #52 - Paul Bunyan Strat Bridge with Tap -- $120 shipped (add $25 international)
This Paul Bunyan Strat is made all-A5 instead of the standard all-A2 for a little extra bite. The 6.9k tap is nice and jangly/spanky while the full spec has majestic, authoritive P90 woof and grunt. It's flatpole with a black, white or cream cover.
This Paul Bunyan Strat is made all-A5 instead of the standard all-A2 for a little extra bite. The 6.9k tap is nice and jangly/spanky while the full spec has majestic, authoritive P90 woof and grunt. It's flatpole with a black, white or cream cover.
- 10.2k/6.9k/A5
- 42 formvar
- Flatpole
- South Polarity
- 7.5" leads

Special #46 - Paul Bunyan Tele* Bridge -- $125 shipped (add $25 international)
No taps or fancy twine color or anything else, a straight ahead white twine legendary Paul Bunyan Tele* bridge, perhaps my most popular model of any kind. 9.5k/A5 for more midrange grunt and overall output, but still retaining the classic spank and twang of a Tele*, it's the sonic repellent you need to drive that mosquito away...
No taps or fancy twine color or anything else, a straight ahead white twine legendary Paul Bunyan Tele* bridge, perhaps my most popular model of any kind. 9.5k/A5 for more midrange grunt and overall output, but still retaining the classic spank and twang of a Tele*, it's the sonic repellent you need to drive that mosquito away...
- 9.5k/A5
- 42 PE
- Flatpole
- South Polarity
- 8" leads

Special #44 - Super Chimecaster -- Large 1/4" A3 rods -- $130 shipped (add $25 international)
A Chimecaster with a few hundred extra turns of wire (8.1k) and larger 1/4" A3 rods. Keeps the chime and air of the Chimecaster but adds some width and grunt to the tone, especially when you dig in, but still plenty of vintage jangle, chime and attitude.
A Chimecaster with a few hundred extra turns of wire (8.1k) and larger 1/4" A3 rods. Keeps the chime and air of the Chimecaster but adds some width and grunt to the tone, especially when you dig in, but still plenty of vintage jangle, chime and attitude.
- 8.1k/A3
- 42 PE
- Flatpole
- South Polarity
- 8.5" leads

SPECIAL #29 - CHIMECASTER TELE BRIDGE - $125 Shipped (add $25 international)
Enough turns of wire to get it up and out of that sub-7k mosquito tone territory, but with slightly wider than vintage .205" Alnico 3 rods to keep that top sweet and chimey, and of course, that killer twang.
Enough turns of wire to get it up and out of that sub-7k mosquito tone territory, but with slightly wider than vintage .205" Alnico 3 rods to keep that top sweet and chimey, and of course, that killer twang.
- 7.6k/A3
- South Polarity
- 42 PE wire
- 7.5" leads

SPECIAL #28 - BLUES 90 BRIDGE/CHERRICK NECK SET, Both Cream or Both Black - $240 Shipped (add $35 international)
The photo shows both black and cream to emphasize the covers can be cream or black. The Blues 90 is 9.3k, the Cherrick neck 7.2k, both with a mix of A5/A2. The bridge has good overwound grunt without losing any sizzle or clarity and the neck is warm and flutey without being too tubby thanks to the narrower magnets. Both are very clear, articulate with 3-D detail. And you WILL NOT, say again, WILL NOT have balance problems as is often the case with P90 sets.
Yeah-yeah-yeah, the photo is just a flipped version of Special #25, but they look the same so what the hey. Only disaffected college students care about such distinction-without-a-difference things and they hate me anyway.
The photo shows both black and cream to emphasize the covers can be cream or black. The Blues 90 is 9.3k, the Cherrick neck 7.2k, both with a mix of A5/A2. The bridge has good overwound grunt without losing any sizzle or clarity and the neck is warm and flutey without being too tubby thanks to the narrower magnets. Both are very clear, articulate with 3-D detail. And you WILL NOT, say again, WILL NOT have balance problems as is often the case with P90 sets.
Yeah-yeah-yeah, the photo is just a flipped version of Special #25, but they look the same so what the hey. Only disaffected college students care about such distinction-without-a-difference things and they hate me anyway.
- 9.3k/7.2k with A5-A2 mix
- 42AWG PE wire
- Black or cream covers
- Nice, plenty long braid leads

Frankenbucker #1 -- 8.0k/A6 -- $130 shipped (add $25 international)
Very similar to the Frankenbucker 7.4k/A6 below but maybe not quite as airy on account of having a few hundred more turns. If the lighter coil looks white instead of cream, it is! The coil is snow white (NOT cream) so it's a true zebra in that sense. This pickup is voiced for the bridge position ONLY. Use in the neck at your own risk of muddy tone!
Very similar to the Frankenbucker 7.4k/A6 below but maybe not quite as airy on account of having a few hundred more turns. If the lighter coil looks white instead of cream, it is! The coil is snow white (NOT cream) so it's a true zebra in that sense. This pickup is voiced for the bridge position ONLY. Use in the neck at your own risk of muddy tone!
- 8.0k/A6
- 42 PE wire
- 50mm spacing
- Short leg plate
- 12" braid lead

Frankenbucker #2 --7.4k/A6 -- $130 shipped (add $25 international)
One of the Alnico 6 models described above. Very similar to the Frankenbucker 8.0k/A6 above but a bit more airy as a result having a few hundred fewer turns. This pickup is voiced for the bridge position ONLY. Use in the neck at your own risk of muddy tone!
One of the Alnico 6 models described above. Very similar to the Frankenbucker 8.0k/A6 above but a bit more airy as a result having a few hundred fewer turns. This pickup is voiced for the bridge position ONLY. Use in the neck at your own risk of muddy tone!
- 7.4k/A6
- 42 PE wire
- 50mm spacing
- Short leg plate
- 11" braid lead

Frankenbucker #3 -- O-Bucker Plus 12.8k/A4 -- $130 shipped (add $25 international)
Though wound with all-43 gauge, this pickup is called the O-bucker Plus because the ratio of turns is about the same, as is the basic sound. Just more total turns, so it sits on that border line between overwound vintage and mid-output, like a 42 AWG pickup in the high 9's to low 10's. The magnet is Alnico 4 to keep that vintage detail and shimmer on top. In this photo the coil looks white but it's just standard cream.
This pickup too is voiced for the bridge position ONLY. Use in the neck at your own risk of muddy tone!
Though wound with all-43 gauge, this pickup is called the O-bucker Plus because the ratio of turns is about the same, as is the basic sound. Just more total turns, so it sits on that border line between overwound vintage and mid-output, like a 42 AWG pickup in the high 9's to low 10's. The magnet is Alnico 4 to keep that vintage detail and shimmer on top. In this photo the coil looks white but it's just standard cream.
This pickup too is voiced for the bridge position ONLY. Use in the neck at your own risk of muddy tone!
- 12.8k/A4
- 43 PE wire
- 50mm spacing
- Short leg plate
- 11" 4-conductor lead

SPECIAL #114 -- Slugbucker 43 Bridge -- 12-screw -- Pure Handwound – $160 (add $25 international) -- SOLD
The Slugbucker was the first humbucker model I made and the first to have the skewing in favor of the slug coil, hence the name. Very popular with 335 lovers along with the T-Bucker neck.This one is wound with 43 gauge. Also 12 screws to allow you to dial low and mids and or out just by turning that second set of screws.
The Slugbucker was the first humbucker model I made and the first to have the skewing in favor of the slug coil, hence the name. Very popular with 335 lovers along with the T-Bucker neck.This one is wound with 43 gauge. Also 12 screws to allow you to dial low and mids and or out just by turning that second set of screws.
- 10.6k/A2
- 12-screw
- 43 PE
- Pure Handwound
- 4-conductor

Special #122 -- Custom neck humbucker -- Pure Handwound -- $160 (add $20 for international) -- SOLD
That's right. You caught me again. "Custom" means I didn't know what name to give it and I'm trying to play it off like I'm just that cool.
I am so busted...
Anyway, it's a light-wound neck humbucker with an A3 mag for some extra air and chime. It might work with a beefier Tele bridge pickup, though it's got a braid lead so you might have phasing problems. (Can be fixed by cutting the jumper from the ground lead on your Tele bridge pickup and soldering on a separate baseplate ground, though.) Would certainly be great in the neck of a semi-hollow or archtop or a dark solidbody. And it's Pure Handwound, there's a couple of these on this page at the moment, very unusual to have even one so once again, YAAAAY!
That's right. You caught me again. "Custom" means I didn't know what name to give it and I'm trying to play it off like I'm just that cool.
I am so busted...
Anyway, it's a light-wound neck humbucker with an A3 mag for some extra air and chime. It might work with a beefier Tele bridge pickup, though it's got a braid lead so you might have phasing problems. (Can be fixed by cutting the jumper from the ground lead on your Tele bridge pickup and soldering on a separate baseplate ground, though.) Would certainly be great in the neck of a semi-hollow or archtop or a dark solidbody. And it's Pure Handwound, there's a couple of these on this page at the moment, very unusual to have even one so once again, YAAAAY!
- 6.9k/A3
- Pure Handwound
- 42 PE
- Zebra
- Short leg baseplate
- Braid lead

SOLD! -- SPECIAL #115 -- Brownbucker Bridge w/Throbak Cover -- Pure Handwound – $180 (add $20 international)
For the VH sound if you’ve got a Marshall modded that way. Otherwise a great all around overwound PAF sound. Not as hollow as the Pagey 2, fuller, more grunt, but the double tones are still there. This one has a lightly aged Throbak nickel cover, the best cover there is, at least that I know of. Thin with no copper layer under the plating and authentic PAF look, down to the dimpling around the pole-screw holes.
For the VH sound if you’ve got a Marshall modded that way. Otherwise a great all around overwound PAF sound. Not as hollow as the Pagey 2, fuller, more grunt, but the double tones are still there. This one has a lightly aged Throbak nickel cover, the best cover there is, at least that I know of. Thin with no copper layer under the plating and authentic PAF look, down to the dimpling around the pole-screw holes.
- 9.2k/A2
- Lightly naturally aged Throbak nickel cover
- 42 PE
- Pure Handwound
- Braid lead

SPECIAL #112 -- Super Bell Tone Prototype -- Pure Handwound -- $160 (add $14 international) -- SOLD!
The Bell Tone wind (7.2k) but with large (1/4") A2 rods. Nice and crispy due in this case to the legendary Pure Handwound detail and dynamics, but without the extra A5 bite. The large A2 rods giving it a bit more warmth down low and sweetness on top. And with that yellow-gold twine in a butterscotch Tele, even woke college students won't be able to cancel its charm.
The Bell Tone wind (7.2k) but with large (1/4") A2 rods. Nice and crispy due in this case to the legendary Pure Handwound detail and dynamics, but without the extra A5 bite. The large A2 rods giving it a bit more warmth down low and sweetness on top. And with that yellow-gold twine in a butterscotch Tele, even woke college students won't be able to cancel its charm.
- 7.2k/A2
- 42 PE
- Pure Handwound
- 14" leads
- Yellow-gold twine
- South polarity

SPECIAL #111 -- Red Paul Bunyan Streles -- Regular Wind -- $105 for bridge, $115 for custom-spaced neck, or $200 for both (add $14 international) - SOLD
These are the Strat Paul Bunyan neck and bridge in Strele format, with custom spacing on the neck. For those not familiar with the Strat Paul Bunyans, they are beefy (by Strat standards, that is) but still keep that very clear single coil tone.
With the Strele option, by virtue of the rods being flush with the top of the bobbin, the coil is a bit closer to the strings so the tone is slightly thicker, so like a Tele bridge pickup, there is a bit less air and jangle on top. The bridge is standard 52.5mm while the neck is 51mm to help the E rods from sitting toward the outside of the strings. Both are South polarity. The top flanges are wider and longer so will fill up the holes in your pickguard.
Why is there no middle, you ask? The original customer didn't want one. He then decided he wanted a Tele set instead so these came back. But a matching middle can be made, dontcha know....
* Bridge: 10.2k/A2 -- Neck: 8.0k/A5
* Bridge spacing: 52.5mm -- Neck spacing: 51mm
* 42 PE
* Flatpole
* Both South Polarity
These are the Strat Paul Bunyan neck and bridge in Strele format, with custom spacing on the neck. For those not familiar with the Strat Paul Bunyans, they are beefy (by Strat standards, that is) but still keep that very clear single coil tone.
With the Strele option, by virtue of the rods being flush with the top of the bobbin, the coil is a bit closer to the strings so the tone is slightly thicker, so like a Tele bridge pickup, there is a bit less air and jangle on top. The bridge is standard 52.5mm while the neck is 51mm to help the E rods from sitting toward the outside of the strings. Both are South polarity. The top flanges are wider and longer so will fill up the holes in your pickguard.
Why is there no middle, you ask? The original customer didn't want one. He then decided he wanted a Tele set instead so these came back. But a matching middle can be made, dontcha know....
* Bridge: 10.2k/A2 -- Neck: 8.0k/A5
* Bridge spacing: 52.5mm -- Neck spacing: 51mm
* 42 PE
* Flatpole
* Both South Polarity
SPECIAL #109 -- Shelf-less Paul Bunyan Strat Bridge 5/2 -- Regular Wind -- $100 (add $14 international) -- SOLD!!
The Paul Bunyan Strat bridge is 10.2k with 42 PE wire, and in this case has A5 on the wound strings and A2 on the plain, giving you a Strat bridge pickup that for the first time sounds like all 6 strings are from the same guitar! This pickup is on the tall side at .800" so if you have an unusually shallow rout, you may have to rout a little deeper or skip this one. But such situations are rare.
It is a shelfless model (see photos above), designed for guitars body mount their single coils and have have no room for the lead shelf. But it will fit in a standard Strat also with no difficulty. The two E rods are marked red and blue to help you orient it. Blue is A2 and red is, by process of elimination, A5.
* 10.2k/A5-A2
* Regular Wind
* Flatpole
* 42 PE
* Black, white or cream cover
The Paul Bunyan Strat bridge is 10.2k with 42 PE wire, and in this case has A5 on the wound strings and A2 on the plain, giving you a Strat bridge pickup that for the first time sounds like all 6 strings are from the same guitar! This pickup is on the tall side at .800" so if you have an unusually shallow rout, you may have to rout a little deeper or skip this one. But such situations are rare.
It is a shelfless model (see photos above), designed for guitars body mount their single coils and have have no room for the lead shelf. But it will fit in a standard Strat also with no difficulty. The two E rods are marked red and blue to help you orient it. Blue is A2 and red is, by process of elimination, A5.
* 10.2k/A5-A2
* Regular Wind
* Flatpole
* 42 PE
* Black, white or cream cover
SPECIAL #108 -- Lollipop P90 Soapbar Neck -- Regular Wind -- $100 (add $14 international) -- SOLD!!
The Lollipop is a low-wind (6.0k with 42 PE) neck P90 soapbar originally intended for Telecasters to match better with Tele bridge pickups but on testing could be used in the neck in almost any guitar/context. This one has a bit of natural aging on the screws and the baseplate as it has been sitting around a while. (There is also a naturally aged cream cover with a little divot in the hem if interested.)
My neck P90's always have narrower magnets (3/8" vs. standard 1/2") to trim the fat but there is usually a mix of an Alnico 5 on the neck side and an A2 (or A3) on the bridge side but to somewhat counter the loss of warmth from this lower wind, both are Alnico 5. This gives it a paradoxical combination of roundness without darkness, warmth without ANY loss of detail -- a tone big and round and sweet like a lollipop but with tons of vintage piano/flute hollowness, jangle, snap, air, detail and dynamics -- with a just little more push than the standard A5/A2 combo.
Braid lead, north polarity. This pickup also has a 2-conductor+bare lead so you can flip the black and white leads if it's out of phase with your bridge pickup. (But remember, bare lead always goes to ground.)
* 6.0k/A5
* 42 PE
* Regular wind
* North polarity
* 2-conductor+bare lead
* Black or cream cover
The Lollipop is a low-wind (6.0k with 42 PE) neck P90 soapbar originally intended for Telecasters to match better with Tele bridge pickups but on testing could be used in the neck in almost any guitar/context. This one has a bit of natural aging on the screws and the baseplate as it has been sitting around a while. (There is also a naturally aged cream cover with a little divot in the hem if interested.)
My neck P90's always have narrower magnets (3/8" vs. standard 1/2") to trim the fat but there is usually a mix of an Alnico 5 on the neck side and an A2 (or A3) on the bridge side but to somewhat counter the loss of warmth from this lower wind, both are Alnico 5. This gives it a paradoxical combination of roundness without darkness, warmth without ANY loss of detail -- a tone big and round and sweet like a lollipop but with tons of vintage piano/flute hollowness, jangle, snap, air, detail and dynamics -- with a just little more push than the standard A5/A2 combo.
Braid lead, north polarity. This pickup also has a 2-conductor+bare lead so you can flip the black and white leads if it's out of phase with your bridge pickup. (But remember, bare lead always goes to ground.)
* 6.0k/A5
* 42 PE
* Regular wind
* North polarity
* 2-conductor+bare lead
* Black or cream cover
SPECIAL #110 -- Paul Bunyan Tele Bridge -- Regular Wind -- $95 - SOLD
This one is identical to Special #46 but with some natural aging from laying around the shop awhile. The twine is a bit dingy and the copper baseplate is tarnished. From #46 below:
No taps or fancy twine color or anything else, a straight ahead white twine legendary Paul Bunyan Tele* bridge, perhaps my most popular model of any kind. 9.5k/A5 for more midrange grunt and overall output, but still retaining the classic spank and twang of a Tele*, it's the sonic repellent you need to drive that mosquito away...
* 9.5k/A5
* 42 PE
* Flatpole
* South Polarity
This one is identical to Special #46 but with some natural aging from laying around the shop awhile. The twine is a bit dingy and the copper baseplate is tarnished. From #46 below:
No taps or fancy twine color or anything else, a straight ahead white twine legendary Paul Bunyan Tele* bridge, perhaps my most popular model of any kind. 9.5k/A5 for more midrange grunt and overall output, but still retaining the classic spank and twang of a Tele*, it's the sonic repellent you need to drive that mosquito away...
* 9.5k/A5
* 42 PE
* Flatpole
* South Polarity

SOLD! SPECIAL #107 -- Tapped Super Paul Bunyan Tele bridge pickup -- Regular Wind -- Black Twine -- $95 (add $14 for international)
The legendary beefy Tele bridge pickup, about which one customer said, "It has an intimidating appearance -- as if it's saying, you must be a true warrior to wield me".
10.5k full wind with 42 gauge plus huge 1/4" wide A5 rods help give it a P90-ish woof. Less twang than the regular Paul Bunyan BUT...with the tap at 8.0k, all that twang reappears at the flick of a switch!
The legendary beefy Tele bridge pickup, about which one customer said, "It has an intimidating appearance -- as if it's saying, you must be a true warrior to wield me".
10.5k full wind with 42 gauge plus huge 1/4" wide A5 rods help give it a P90-ish woof. Less twang than the regular Paul Bunyan BUT...with the tap at 8.0k, all that twang reappears at the flick of a switch!
- 10.5k/8.0k/A5
- South polarity
- Black twine
- 8" leads

SOLD - SPECIAL #106 -- Custom Narrow Spaced Strele for Neck -- Regular Wind -- $100 (add $14 international)
Here’s an odd duck blonde Strele with special spacing, definitely for the neck position. A guy ordered a middle and neck pu for a Steinberger-like guitar with very narrow spacing, wanted 46mm neck and 47mm middle. I didn’t get the middle right on the first try, it came in at 47.5mm, so on the shelf it went.
Of all things I tested it in the neck position of an LP but even with a slanted adapter ring, all 6 strings came through loud and clear. At 7.9k/A5, it’s nice and clear but with the rods flush with the surface, it has a somewhat P90/humbucker-like woody warmth to it.
Of course, if you have a guitar with unusually narrow spacing, so much the better.
Here’s an odd duck blonde Strele with special spacing, definitely for the neck position. A guy ordered a middle and neck pu for a Steinberger-like guitar with very narrow spacing, wanted 46mm neck and 47mm middle. I didn’t get the middle right on the first try, it came in at 47.5mm, so on the shelf it went.
Of all things I tested it in the neck position of an LP but even with a slanted adapter ring, all 6 strings came through loud and clear. At 7.9k/A5, it’s nice and clear but with the rods flush with the surface, it has a somewhat P90/humbucker-like woody warmth to it.
Of course, if you have a guitar with unusually narrow spacing, so much the better.
- 7.9k/A5
- Flatpole
- South polarity
- 12” leads
- Yellow-gold twine

SPECIAL #105 -- Pure Handwound Tele neck -- Pure Handwound
$150 (add $14 international) - SOLD!
Another rare Pure Handwound on the Specials page, kind of in the Paul Bunyan neck spec range at 7.9k/A5 and depending on your taste, it might make a good match with #104 below.
A key difference from my usual coverless Tele neck is a larger top to fill up the pickguard hole a little better. This means you can't install a cover later but so what? It sounds better coverless anyway and you know it, so just cut it out and buy it now...
$150 (add $14 international) - SOLD!
Another rare Pure Handwound on the Specials page, kind of in the Paul Bunyan neck spec range at 7.9k/A5 and depending on your taste, it might make a good match with #104 below.
A key difference from my usual coverless Tele neck is a larger top to fill up the pickguard hole a little better. This means you can't install a cover later but so what? It sounds better coverless anyway and you know it, so just cut it out and buy it now...
- Pure Handwound
- 7.9k/A5
- North polarity
- Black twine
- 43 PE

SPECIAL #96 -- Paul Bunyan Middle Strele -- Pure Handwound -- $150 (add $14 international)
Born as a middle position "Strele", this pickup could work as a vintage output bridge or an overwound vintage neck, depending on what the other two pu's in your Strat are. Polarity is North per my standard Strat middle polarity but I can flip it for free if you need it to be South. With the Strele option, the coil is a little closer to the strings so it has a slight bit of Tele bridge oomph. Plus it just looks kind of tuxedo cool, yet menacing.
Unlike Special #94, this one is Pure Handwound, that is not a misprint. (You can tell by the price...)
* 6.8k/A5
* 42 PE
* Strele styling -- Flatpole
* White twine
* North polarity
* 10" leads
Born as a middle position "Strele", this pickup could work as a vintage output bridge or an overwound vintage neck, depending on what the other two pu's in your Strat are. Polarity is North per my standard Strat middle polarity but I can flip it for free if you need it to be South. With the Strele option, the coil is a little closer to the strings so it has a slight bit of Tele bridge oomph. Plus it just looks kind of tuxedo cool, yet menacing.
Unlike Special #94, this one is Pure Handwound, that is not a misprint. (You can tell by the price...)
* 6.8k/A5
* 42 PE
* Strele styling -- Flatpole
* White twine
* North polarity
* 10" leads

SPECIAL #104 -- Super Paul Bunyan
A Rarity on the Specials Page -- Pure Handwound
$160 (add $14 international) -- SOLD!!
The vaunted Super Paul Bunyan Tele bridge – about which one customer said it has an intimidating look, especially with the black twine, as if saying “you must be a true warrior to wield me”. That world-renowned combo of Tele twang and P90 woof you can't live without, punch and mids with great detail and clarity, in Pure Handwound format.
A Rarity on the Specials Page -- Pure Handwound
$160 (add $14 international) -- SOLD!!
The vaunted Super Paul Bunyan Tele bridge – about which one customer said it has an intimidating look, especially with the black twine, as if saying “you must be a true warrior to wield me”. That world-renowned combo of Tele twang and P90 woof you can't live without, punch and mids with great detail and clarity, in Pure Handwound format.
- 10.5k/large A5
- 42 PE
- Pure Handwound
- Unpotted
- Black cloth tape coil protection
- South polarity

SOLD -- SPECIAL #104 -- Gold Wintertime Firebird Bridge Minihumbucker -- $95.80 (add $14 international)
Tired of a Firebird bridge that is just too scrawny to keep up with even your already thin Firebird neck pickup? Want something more like that rounder but still classic-snappy Firebird tone like Johnny W? Here it is, all the jangly snap you love in a Firebird but with a sweeter top end and just a bit more warmth down below.
Standard 3/48 humbucker mount screws are slightly too small but I will provide you with the proper screws. 2-conductor+bare lead so you can reverse hot and ground it's out of phase with your other pickup.
Tired of a Firebird bridge that is just too scrawny to keep up with even your already thin Firebird neck pickup? Want something more like that rounder but still classic-snappy Firebird tone like Johnny W? Here it is, all the jangly snap you love in a Firebird but with a sweeter top end and just a bit more warmth down below.
Standard 3/48 humbucker mount screws are slightly too small but I will provide you with the proper screws. 2-conductor+bare lead so you can reverse hot and ground it's out of phase with your other pickup.
- 11.2k/A2
- 43 PE
- Regular wind
- 2-conductor+bare
- Gold cover

SOLD -- SPECIAL #105 -- Mini-PAF Tire Iron Minihumbucker Set – PURE HANDWOUND -- $296.30 for set, $173.30 for individual pickup (add $14 for international)
A rare Pure Handwound listing among the Specials -- the vaunted mighty Tire Iron Mini-PAF, sounds like a full-size overwound vintage humbucker! Because they are Pure Handwound, I have to switch to a smaller gauge (from 43 to 44) of wire to fit, so the DCR specs are misleadingly high -- they're roughly equivalent to 9.6 and 7.8k worth of 42 gauge.
In case you’re wondering about the color in the photos above, the bobbins are white-white, not cream. Would look cool in any white pickguard or white finish guitar – or maybe nice and stark against a dark finish or pickguard.
A rare Pure Handwound listing among the Specials -- the vaunted mighty Tire Iron Mini-PAF, sounds like a full-size overwound vintage humbucker! Because they are Pure Handwound, I have to switch to a smaller gauge (from 43 to 44) of wire to fit, so the DCR specs are misleadingly high -- they're roughly equivalent to 9.6 and 7.8k worth of 42 gauge.
In case you’re wondering about the color in the photos above, the bobbins are white-white, not cream. Would look cool in any white pickguard or white finish guitar – or maybe nice and stark against a dark finish or pickguard.
- 15.2k/10.8k/A5
- 44 AWG polysol
- 4-conductor
- Double white bobbins

SOLD! SPECIAL #97 -- Paul Bunyan Neck Strele -- Pure Handwound -- $150 (add $14 international)
Born as a neck position "Strele", this pickup could work as a hotter than vintage output bridge. Polarity is South but I can flip it for free if you need it to be North. With the Strele option, the coil is a little closer to the strings so it has a slight bit of Tele bridge oomph. Plus it just looks kind of tuxedo cool, yet menacing.
* 8.0k/A5
* 42 PE
* Strele styling -- Flatpole
* White twine
* South polarity
* 10" leads
Born as a neck position "Strele", this pickup could work as a hotter than vintage output bridge. Polarity is South but I can flip it for free if you need it to be North. With the Strele option, the coil is a little closer to the strings so it has a slight bit of Tele bridge oomph. Plus it just looks kind of tuxedo cool, yet menacing.
* 8.0k/A5
* 42 PE
* Strele styling -- Flatpole
* White twine
* South polarity
* 10" leads

SPECIAL #93 - NEW MODEL! Sweet V Dogear (7.8k/A3) For Bridge - Unpotted - $90 ($14 international) -- SOLD
Sweet V (for vintage) wound to 7.8k with 42 PE and two A3 bar magnets. Dogear for an LP Special that's plenty loud and rude naturally and would be complimented by a sweeter mellower wind/magnet combo. But it would also be great in a semihollow or archtop. Braid lead, South polarity.
* 7.8k/A3
* 42 PE
* Regular wind
* Braid lead
* South polarity
Sweet V (for vintage) wound to 7.8k with 42 PE and two A3 bar magnets. Dogear for an LP Special that's plenty loud and rude naturally and would be complimented by a sweeter mellower wind/magnet combo. But it would also be great in a semihollow or archtop. Braid lead, South polarity.
* 7.8k/A3
* 42 PE
* Regular wind
* Braid lead
* South polarity

SPECIAL #99 -- Custom Tapped P90 Dogear -- PURE HANDWOUND! -- $170 (add $15 international) -- SOLD!
Basically a Honk 90 with a few less turns (9.5k) -- and a TAP (7.8k)! Some extra grunt and groan with plenty of classic P90 sizzle on top on full while the tap is much more vintage for when you want a jangly classic tone at the flip of a switch. Plenty of vintage-correct annoying hum and I don't even charge extra for it. It's looking for a nice, financially secure, all-mahogany Junior or something similar to settle down with this Valentine's Day...
* 9.5k/7.8k/A5-A2
* 42 PE
* Pure Handwound
* 3-conductor lead
* South polarity
Basically a Honk 90 with a few less turns (9.5k) -- and a TAP (7.8k)! Some extra grunt and groan with plenty of classic P90 sizzle on top on full while the tap is much more vintage for when you want a jangly classic tone at the flip of a switch. Plenty of vintage-correct annoying hum and I don't even charge extra for it. It's looking for a nice, financially secure, all-mahogany Junior or something similar to settle down with this Valentine's Day...
* 9.5k/7.8k/A5-A2
* 42 PE
* Pure Handwound
* 3-conductor lead
* South polarity

SPECIAL #98 -- Super Paul Bunyan Tele Bridge -- Pure Handwound -- $160 (add $14 international)
- SOLD!!!
It's that big, mean, menacing Super Paul that brings some P90 growl to combine with Tele twang -- but in PURE HANDWOUND format, a rarity on the Specials Page (except maybe lately). For those familiar with the Paul Bunyan and Super Paul Bunyan Tele legends, no further explanation is necessary. For disaffected college students, no explanation is possible.
* 10.5k/A5 (1/4" diameter rods)
* 42 PE
* White twine
* South polarity
* 10" leads
- SOLD!!!
It's that big, mean, menacing Super Paul that brings some P90 growl to combine with Tele twang -- but in PURE HANDWOUND format, a rarity on the Specials Page (except maybe lately). For those familiar with the Paul Bunyan and Super Paul Bunyan Tele legends, no further explanation is necessary. For disaffected college students, no explanation is possible.
* 10.5k/A5 (1/4" diameter rods)
* 42 PE
* White twine
* South polarity
* 10" leads

SPECIAL #95 -- PURE HANDWOUND (Yes, Pure Handwound) Nickel Rod 90-Bucker -- $175 (add $14 international) -- SOLD!!!
Nice, shiny nickel covered P90 in a humbucker shape and with Alnico rod magnets instead of slugs or screws. It is a direct replacement (no mods needed) for any standard humbucker. And Pure Handwound, a rarity on the Specials Page, though this may become a little more common (don't hold me to it) as this one was made for the Specials Page, sort of a trial balloon.
As metal covers tend to do (to varying degrees depending on thickness, composition, etc, of course), the cover takes some of the treble away, but not too much, giving the overall impression of a classic airy Fender pickup with some P90/humbucker girth. And this is probably why, even at 6.6k/A5 and intended for the neck position, I tested it also in the bridge position for giggles and it's surprisingly good there too -- pretty sweet and gutsy for such a low wind, no shrill/brittle edge at all.
It will work well with either 250k or 500k pots, but there is much more classic single coil air/chime/sizzle -- in part courtesy of the Pure Handwound coil -- with 500k.
It is north polarity and comes with a lengthy 2-conductor+bare lead so you can flip the black and white leads if it's out of phase with your other pickup(s). (Just make sure the bare wire is always grounded unless the natural single coil hum just isn't noisy enough for you.)
* 6.6k/A5
* 42 PE
* Flatpole
* North polarity
* 16" 2-conductor+bare lead
Nice, shiny nickel covered P90 in a humbucker shape and with Alnico rod magnets instead of slugs or screws. It is a direct replacement (no mods needed) for any standard humbucker. And Pure Handwound, a rarity on the Specials Page, though this may become a little more common (don't hold me to it) as this one was made for the Specials Page, sort of a trial balloon.
As metal covers tend to do (to varying degrees depending on thickness, composition, etc, of course), the cover takes some of the treble away, but not too much, giving the overall impression of a classic airy Fender pickup with some P90/humbucker girth. And this is probably why, even at 6.6k/A5 and intended for the neck position, I tested it also in the bridge position for giggles and it's surprisingly good there too -- pretty sweet and gutsy for such a low wind, no shrill/brittle edge at all.
It will work well with either 250k or 500k pots, but there is much more classic single coil air/chime/sizzle -- in part courtesy of the Pure Handwound coil -- with 500k.
It is north polarity and comes with a lengthy 2-conductor+bare lead so you can flip the black and white leads if it's out of phase with your other pickup(s). (Just make sure the bare wire is always grounded unless the natural single coil hum just isn't noisy enough for you.)
* 6.6k/A5
* 42 PE
* Flatpole
* North polarity
* 16" 2-conductor+bare lead

SPECIAL #76 - Pure Handwound Mid-Output Firebird -- SOLD! Set - $175 (add $22.50 international, $15 Canada)
These are higher output Firebirds but nothing like what's in the Gibsons these days. They are essentially Tire Irons wound with narrower gauge wire and Alnico 8 magnets, but plenty of top end clarity and detail as you would expect from Pure Handwound. The price is unusually low because the bridge does squeal a bit if you crank the gain/volume, so if you are a high gain/volume player, these may not be for you.
These are higher output Firebirds but nothing like what's in the Gibsons these days. They are essentially Tire Irons wound with narrower gauge wire and Alnico 8 magnets, but plenty of top end clarity and detail as you would expect from Pure Handwound. The price is unusually low because the bridge does squeal a bit if you crank the gain/volume, so if you are a high gain/volume player, these may not be for you.
- Nickel covers
- Bridge 15.1k/A8 (44 gauge), Neck 10k/A8 (43 gauge)
- Braid leads

SPECIAL #75 - T-Bucker 43 Set - Pure Handwound - $200 (add $22.50 international, $15 Canada) -- SOLD
#75 was a "Parkerized" T-Bucker neck but I decided to remount it on a standard short leg plate to expand the appeal.
And as if that wasn't enough, I added a bridge mate. Both these were wound for a customer with a guitar with extra shallow routs but who still wanted Pure Handwound. The PH wind takes up extra space so I had to switch to 43 gauge -- thus the DCR readings (10.7k/9.3k) are deceptively high but the number of turns remains the same so the sound is essentially the same*, just a tiny bit more lively because the shallower bobbins means the magnet is a little closer to the strings.
There's just one photo because, let's face it, they both look exactly alike. Except that the neck is a bit scratched or else the price would be $225 or something.
*That may be tough for the average DCS out there (you know who you are) to comprehend who prefer to analyze the whole universe via the "I just feel like..." filter.
And as if that wasn't enough, I added a bridge mate. Both these were wound for a customer with a guitar with extra shallow routs but who still wanted Pure Handwound. The PH wind takes up extra space so I had to switch to 43 gauge -- thus the DCR readings (10.7k/9.3k) are deceptively high but the number of turns remains the same so the sound is essentially the same*, just a tiny bit more lively because the shallower bobbins means the magnet is a little closer to the strings.
There's just one photo because, let's face it, they both look exactly alike. Except that the neck is a bit scratched or else the price would be $225 or something.
- Pure Handwound
- Black
- 10.7k/9.3k/A2
- 50mm spacing
- 43 PE wire
- Short leg baseplates
- Braid leads
*That may be tough for the average DCS out there (you know who you are) to comprehend who prefer to analyze the whole universe via the "I just feel like..." filter.

SPECIAL #73 - Cream Mini-PAF Set w/LP Deluxe-Style Ring Mount Assemblies -- $200 (add $22.50 international, $15 Canada) -- SOLD
So I made this custom set for a guy but it turns out the rings are just too big for the pu cavities in his guitar so back they came. It's a Hot Vintage set at 9.7k/A5 with 43 gauge wire for the bridge, 7.5k/A5 with 42 AWG. The standard size screws and slugs add a little beef, the A5 mags more output and bite.
IMPORTANT: I know what some of you are thinking but these cannot be mounted in Firebirds even if you remove the rings -- unless you can find some larger height adjustment screws. OR...maybe you could put some JB Weld in the holes and redrill and use a 3/48 tap. But otherwise, these are for guitars routed for P90's. The holes in the legs are drilled out for the Deluxe-style mount so they are too wide for the standard 3/48 mount screw.
IMPORTANT #2: Check the dimensions of your pu cavity to make sure these rings will fit first. They are 35.2mm x 86.8mm at the hem.
So I made this custom set for a guy but it turns out the rings are just too big for the pu cavities in his guitar so back they came. It's a Hot Vintage set at 9.7k/A5 with 43 gauge wire for the bridge, 7.5k/A5 with 42 AWG. The standard size screws and slugs add a little beef, the A5 mags more output and bite.
IMPORTANT: I know what some of you are thinking but these cannot be mounted in Firebirds even if you remove the rings -- unless you can find some larger height adjustment screws. OR...maybe you could put some JB Weld in the holes and redrill and use a 3/48 tap. But otherwise, these are for guitars routed for P90's. The holes in the legs are drilled out for the Deluxe-style mount so they are too wide for the standard 3/48 mount screw.
IMPORTANT #2: Check the dimensions of your pu cavity to make sure these rings will fit first. They are 35.2mm x 86.8mm at the hem.
- Regular Wind
- Cream
- 9.7k/A5 bridge, 7.5K/A5 neck
- 43 PE wire
- Braid leads

SPECIAL #72 - Black Mini-PAF Set w/LP Deluxe-Style Ring Mount Assemblies -- $200 (add $22.50 international, $15 Canada) - SOLD
So I made this custom set for a guy but had a senile moment by making it reg wind when he wanted Pure Handwound. The bridge is 10.5k/A2 with 43 gauge wire, making it equivalent to low 8's with 42 gauge so it has a little bit of beef compared to a typical mini bridge. The neck is 6.2k/A2 with 42 AWG for straight-ahead vintage. The standard size screws and slugs also add a little beef, Alnico 2 sweetens the top end.
IMPORTANT: I know what some of you are thinking but these cannot be mounted in Firebirds even if you remove the rings -- unless you can find some larger height adjustment screws. OR...maybe you could put some JB Weld in the holes and redrill and use a 3/48 tap. But otherwise, these are for guitars routed for P90's. The holes in the legs are drilled out for the Deluxe-style mount so they are too wide for the standard 3/48 mount screw.
IMPORTANT: I know what some of you are thinking but these cannot be mounted in Firebirds even if you remove the rings -- unless you can find some larger height adjustment screws. OR...maybe you could put some JB Weld in the holes and redrill and use a 3/48 tap. But otherwise, these are for guitars routed for P90's. The holes in the legs are drilled out for the Deluxe-style mount so they are too wide for the standard 3/48 mount screw.
IMPORTANT #2: Check the dimensions of your pu cavity to make sure these rings will fit first. They are 34.8mm x 86.8mm at the hem.
So I made this custom set for a guy but had a senile moment by making it reg wind when he wanted Pure Handwound. The bridge is 10.5k/A2 with 43 gauge wire, making it equivalent to low 8's with 42 gauge so it has a little bit of beef compared to a typical mini bridge. The neck is 6.2k/A2 with 42 AWG for straight-ahead vintage. The standard size screws and slugs also add a little beef, Alnico 2 sweetens the top end.
IMPORTANT: I know what some of you are thinking but these cannot be mounted in Firebirds even if you remove the rings -- unless you can find some larger height adjustment screws. OR...maybe you could put some JB Weld in the holes and redrill and use a 3/48 tap. But otherwise, these are for guitars routed for P90's. The holes in the legs are drilled out for the Deluxe-style mount so they are too wide for the standard 3/48 mount screw.
IMPORTANT: I know what some of you are thinking but these cannot be mounted in Firebirds even if you remove the rings -- unless you can find some larger height adjustment screws. OR...maybe you could put some JB Weld in the holes and redrill and use a 3/48 tap. But otherwise, these are for guitars routed for P90's. The holes in the legs are drilled out for the Deluxe-style mount so they are too wide for the standard 3/48 mount screw.
IMPORTANT #2: Check the dimensions of your pu cavity to make sure these rings will fit first. They are 34.8mm x 86.8mm at the hem.
- Regular Wind
- Black
- 10.5k/A2 bridge, 6.2K/A2 neck
- 43 PE wire bridge, 42 PE wire neck
- 4-conductor leads

SPECIAL #74 - Firebird Mini Set - Nickel - Waylon Neck with Custom Hotter Wound Bridge - $150 (add $14 outside USA) -- SOLD
This is essentially a Waylon set but with a hotter wound bridge for those who want to avoid the typical balance problems with vintage pickup sets. Mags are chosen with this in mind too -- A5 for bridge and A2 for neck. Just regular wind but VERY clear and detailed and very nice balance. (NOTE: These have the 3/48 screw holes for standard humbucker mount screws. If you want to mount them as on an LP Deluxe in the black or cream ring, ream these holes out just a bit.)
This is essentially a Waylon set but with a hotter wound bridge for those who want to avoid the typical balance problems with vintage pickup sets. Mags are chosen with this in mind too -- A5 for bridge and A2 for neck. Just regular wind but VERY clear and detailed and very nice balance. (NOTE: These have the 3/48 screw holes for standard humbucker mount screws. If you want to mount them as on an LP Deluxe in the black or cream ring, ream these holes out just a bit.)
- Nickel covers
- 10.7k/A5 (43 AWG) bridge
- 6.2k/A2 (42 AWG) neck
- Braid leads -- 16" neck, 11" bridge
- 42 & 43 PE wire

SPECIAL #73 - Woodbucker 24 - 12-Screw Pure Handwound with Splat! - $115 (add $14 outside USA) -- SOLD
A rarity on the Specials Page -- a Pure Handwound! Just for you Super Strat, PRS or other 24-fret guitars, a Woodbucker 24. Or for other guitars with the neck pickup pushed a little closer to the bridge than normal, like most SG's. Can also work in other guitars if you have a super hot metalhead pickup in the bridge. Could conceivably be used in the bridge if you spin it around 180 degrees so the stronger coil faces away from the bridge but it's designed for the neck. Also has a Splat set at 6.3k for a more realistic single coil tone, except with the bonus of a bit of hum-cancelling and thus a bit less noise than a true single. And as if all that weren't enough, it is 12-screw for maximum tone adjustment via the screwdriver!
A rarity on the Specials Page -- a Pure Handwound! Just for you Super Strat, PRS or other 24-fret guitars, a Woodbucker 24. Or for other guitars with the neck pickup pushed a little closer to the bridge than normal, like most SG's. Can also work in other guitars if you have a super hot metalhead pickup in the bridge. Could conceivably be used in the bridge if you spin it around 180 degrees so the stronger coil faces away from the bridge but it's designed for the neck. Also has a Splat set at 6.3k for a more realistic single coil tone, except with the bonus of a bit of hum-cancelling and thus a bit less noise than a true single. And as if all that weren't enough, it is 12-screw for maximum tone adjustment via the screwdriver!
- Black (as you can see)
- 8.3k with 6.3k Splat
- A2
- 12 screws
- 42 PE wire
- 3-conductor wire (see HERE for wiring diagram)

SPECIAL #72 - Pure Handwound Strat - Any Position - $110 (add $14 outside USA) - SOLD
A hardcore vintage range Strat at 5.8k with A5 rods on the wound strings and A3 on the plain strings. It could work in any position for the hardcore vintage fiend, though for my money, neck is best. Pure Handwound makes it killer clear from clean to heavy gain -- you are NOT limited to 4ths and 5ths and the occasional 3rd when you stomp the dirt box, you can do maj7's, 13's, min11's, you name it, and still hear every note without that grating intermodulation that sounds like a sidewalk lecture from a disaffected college student.
A hardcore vintage range Strat at 5.8k with A5 rods on the wound strings and A3 on the plain strings. It could work in any position for the hardcore vintage fiend, though for my money, neck is best. Pure Handwound makes it killer clear from clean to heavy gain -- you are NOT limited to 4ths and 5ths and the occasional 3rd when you stomp the dirt box, you can do maj7's, 13's, min11's, you name it, and still hear every note without that grating intermodulation that sounds like a sidewalk lecture from a disaffected college student.
- White cover (can be black or off-white)
- Flatpole
- 52mm spacing
- 5.8k/A5-A3
- South polarity
- 42 PE wire
- 10" lead

SPECIAL #66 - Special Honk Plus-Plus 90-Bucker - Black Plastic - $80 shipped (add $14 international) - SOLD
A Honk Plus P90 in 90-Bucker format with a few hundred extra turns of wire (10.8k vs. standard 10.3k) to add a little extra cream and oomph, hence the extra "Plus". This is a bridge pickup ONLY. Don't be a disaffected college student and install it in the neck.
It is a direct replacement for any humbucker but be aware that to make room for the extra wire, this pickup is a bit tall at 22mm from bottom of the plate to top of flat work -- just shy of an inch so if your guitar has an unusually shallow rout, you may have problems, so check that first. However, the pole screws don't protrude below the baseplate so that may compensate for it some. Such problems would be limited to shallow rout guitars like Strats, etc. But any guitar that will take a long-leg humbucker will have plenty of room for this pickup.
A Honk Plus P90 in 90-Bucker format with a few hundred extra turns of wire (10.8k vs. standard 10.3k) to add a little extra cream and oomph, hence the extra "Plus". This is a bridge pickup ONLY. Don't be a disaffected college student and install it in the neck.
It is a direct replacement for any humbucker but be aware that to make room for the extra wire, this pickup is a bit tall at 22mm from bottom of the plate to top of flat work -- just shy of an inch so if your guitar has an unusually shallow rout, you may have problems, so check that first. However, the pole screws don't protrude below the baseplate so that may compensate for it some. Such problems would be limited to shallow rout guitars like Strats, etc. But any guitar that will take a long-leg humbucker will have plenty of room for this pickup.
- 10.8k/A5
- 42 PE
- South Polarity
- 50mm spacing
- 11.5" braid lead
- Short leg baseplate