Bridge - 9.5k A2 or A4, Neck - 8.0k A2
For pricing click here: www.zhangbucker.com/humbuckers.html and scroll to the bottom.
Bridge and neck both on the fat and creamy side for some killer slide tones like you-know-who. Still very clear with great harmonics.
Neck is great for fat single note lines in general, though you might want to have me take a few turns off if you’re a hard strummer with neck pu’s. Most customers choose Pagey 2 neck or Brownbucker neck if they don't play slide much or at all.
Neck is great for fat single note lines in general, though you might want to have me take a few turns off if you’re a hard strummer with neck pu’s. Most customers choose Pagey 2 neck or Brownbucker neck if they don't play slide much or at all.
Duanebucker Plus
9.9k A2 or A4
A Duanebucker with some extra turns for extra cream.
Splat Option**....................................................$15 per pickup.
New Looking Nickel or Gold Cover....................Inquire via phone or email
RS Relic Aged Nickel Cover................................$30 (yup, RS just hiked their prices, sorry)
12-screw “Sweet Heat” option.............................$5 (the effect is a bit sweeter/smoother sound, and the ability to adjust
midrange up and down with the second row of screws)
4-conductor.........................................................NO CHARGE
F-spacing ............................................................NO CHARGE
**The Splat is a means of getting a beefier option to the typical wimpy/slicey split humbucker tone. One coil is tapped part way so when you throw the switch you get all of one coil plus part of the other coil for a bigger, more authentic "single coil" tone. For example, if you had an 8k pickup, instead of the 4k split that sounds like a mosquito on a good day, you could have 5.5k, 6.0k, 6.5k or anywhere in between. Though I will likely make some recommendations for what's best for what you want, the exact spec is up to you...
Splat Option**....................................................$15 per pickup.
New Looking Nickel or Gold Cover....................Inquire via phone or email
RS Relic Aged Nickel Cover................................$30 (yup, RS just hiked their prices, sorry)
12-screw “Sweet Heat” option.............................$5 (the effect is a bit sweeter/smoother sound, and the ability to adjust
midrange up and down with the second row of screws)
4-conductor.........................................................NO CHARGE
F-spacing ............................................................NO CHARGE
**The Splat is a means of getting a beefier option to the typical wimpy/slicey split humbucker tone. One coil is tapped part way so when you throw the switch you get all of one coil plus part of the other coil for a bigger, more authentic "single coil" tone. For example, if you had an 8k pickup, instead of the 4k split that sounds like a mosquito on a good day, you could have 5.5k, 6.0k, 6.5k or anywhere in between. Though I will likely make some recommendations for what's best for what you want, the exact spec is up to you...