Check out Camilo Velandia below on a Pure Handwound soapbar set in his Jazzmaster -- 8.3k/A5-A2 bridge (basically a Jazz 90 with one of the A2's replaced with an A5) and a Cherrick neck, both Pure Handwound. Check it out all the way through -- he plays with mostly gain first, then talks a bit then switches to clean with just a bit of breakup when you dig in and does a really nice job showcasing the wide variety of tones, textures and dynamics you can get from these babies:
CLICK HERE >: Camilo Velandia Video
Check out Camilo Velandia below on a Pure Handwound soapbar set in his Jazzmaster -- 8.3k/A5-A2 bridge (basically a Jazz 90 with one of the A2's replaced with an A5) and a Cherrick neck, both Pure Handwound. Check it out all the way through -- he plays with mostly gain first, then talks a bit then switches to clean with just a bit of breakup when you dig in and does a really nice job showcasing the wide variety of tones, textures and dynamics you can get from these babies:
CLICK HERE >: Camilo Velandia Video
Soapbar...........................................................................$150 -- Pure Handwound $195
Dogear.............................................................................$155 -- Pure Handwound $200
Rod 90 Soapbar...............................................................$155 -- Pure Handwound $210
Rod 90 Dogear................................................................$160 -- Pure Handwound $215
90-Bucker - Forbon Flatwork.........................................$165 -- Pure Handwound $225
90-Bucker - Cream or Black Plastic...............................$170 -- Pure Handwound $230
2-conductor+bare lead (for phase reversal, etc.).............................NO CHARGE
RWRP set........................................................................NO CHARGE (standard for all my P90 sets unless otherwise requested)
Soapbar...........................................................................$150 -- Pure Handwound $195
Dogear.............................................................................$155 -- Pure Handwound $200
Rod 90 Soapbar...............................................................$155 -- Pure Handwound $210
Rod 90 Dogear................................................................$160 -- Pure Handwound $215
90-Bucker - Forbon Flatwork.........................................$165 -- Pure Handwound $225
90-Bucker - Cream or Black Plastic...............................$170 -- Pure Handwound $230
2-conductor+bare lead (for phase reversal, etc.).............................NO CHARGE
RWRP set........................................................................NO CHARGE (standard for all my P90 sets unless otherwise requested)