Paul Bunyan
Bridge 9.5k/A5, Neck 7.8k/A5
BRIDGE: The Paul Bunyan bridge is easily one of the most popular pickup models of any type I make. The first guy I made it for passed his Tele around to his friends to let them take a taste. One said “Sounds like a 10-foot tall Tele. That’s Paul Bunyan’s Tele right there.” It stuck.
This is for the player who cries himself to sleep over the lack of a Tele bridge that gives you midrange grunt and muscle without giving up ANY of the twang you got a Tele for to begin with. Can also be made with A2 or A3 for a sweeter top, or with big 1/4” rods to widen the tone even more.
NECK: A little chubby in a good way, ie, only when you want it be. Still very clear, especially if you go coverless. (See a pattern here?)
This is for the player who cries himself to sleep over the lack of a Tele bridge that gives you midrange grunt and muscle without giving up ANY of the twang you got a Tele for to begin with. Can also be made with A2 or A3 for a sweeter top, or with big 1/4” rods to widen the tone even more.
NECK: A little chubby in a good way, ie, only when you want it be. Still very clear, especially if you go coverless. (See a pattern here?)
Tap.......................................................$15 per tap
Large (1/4”) Rods...............................$5 per pickup (bridge only). The Super Paul Bunyan comes standard with these but this option can slightly widen the tone of other models without compromising the chime or twang. Available in A2, A3 and A5.
No-Baseplate Bridge..........................$15 per pickup (For high output models ONLY.)
RWRP Neck Pickup...........................NO CHARGE. Standard for all Tele sets unless otherwise requested.
5/2 or 5/3 Magnet Mix.......................NO CHARGE.
Tap.......................................................$15 per tap
Large (1/4”) Rods...............................$5 per pickup (bridge only). The Super Paul Bunyan comes standard with these but this option can slightly widen the tone of other models without compromising the chime or twang. Available in A2, A3 and A5.
No-Baseplate Bridge..........................$15 per pickup (For high output models ONLY.)
RWRP Neck Pickup...........................NO CHARGE. Standard for all Tele sets unless otherwise requested.
5/2 or 5/3 Magnet Mix.......................NO CHARGE.