Extra Hot Output
I so rarely get requests for these that no models have been set but they are available on request. Hit me with your idea at [email protected].
Tap.......................................................$15 per tap
Large (1/4”) Rods...............................$5 per pickup (bridge only). The Super Paul Bunyan comes standard with these but this option can slightly widen the tone of other models without compromising the chime or twang. Available in A2, A3 and A5.
No-Baseplate Bridge..........................$15 per pickup (For high output models ONLY.)
RWRP Neck Pickup...........................NO CHARGE. Standard for all Tele sets unless otherwise requested.
5/2 or 5/3 Magnet Mix.......................NO CHARGE.
Tap.......................................................$15 per tap
Large (1/4”) Rods...............................$5 per pickup (bridge only). The Super Paul Bunyan comes standard with these but this option can slightly widen the tone of other models without compromising the chime or twang. Available in A2, A3 and A5.
No-Baseplate Bridge..........................$15 per pickup (For high output models ONLY.)
RWRP Neck Pickup...........................NO CHARGE. Standard for all Tele sets unless otherwise requested.
5/2 or 5/3 Magnet Mix.......................NO CHARGE.